Can a Honeymoon Really Save Your Marriage? Let’s Talk About It

The Interview:

Jimmy: Welcome to! Today’s guest is a relationship coach who believes honeymoons hold the key to lasting happiness in marriages. Meet Sarah Hastings, 38, who has spent over a decade helping couples rebuild their relationships. Sarah, I’m skeptical. Are you saying a fancy vacation can fix all relationship issues?

Sarah: (Laughs) Not quite. But it’s not just about the vacation, Jimmy. It’s about the mindset. Honeymoons are a reset button—a chance to reconnect and rebuild a foundation that life’s stresses may have chipped away.

Jimmy: Okay, but do couples really need to spend thousands of dollars to make this work? Isn’t it just a luxury?

Sarah: It’s not about the money. Sure, some people go all out, but a honeymoon can be something as simple as spending uninterrupted time together. The important part is creating a space where both partners feel valued and heard, away from the everyday chaos.

Jimmy: What about couples who’ve been married for years and never went on a honeymoon? Are they doomed?

Sarah: Absolutely not. It’s never too late to have a honeymoon—just call it a ‘reconnect trip’! Studies, like the one from Honeyfund, show that couples who take time away together, even later in marriage, report higher relationship satisfaction. It’s about bonding and intimacy.

Jimmy: That sounds great, but let’s be real—sometimes couples are barely speaking to each other. How do you rebuild a relationship from that point?

Sarah: That’s where the real work starts. You have to address the underlying issues first. Going on a trip without resolving those deeper problems won’t help. But a honeymoon can be the reward for doing that emotional labor, a chance to start fresh.

Jimmy: What about couples who argue on vacation? Isn’t that the worst-case scenario?

Sarah: It happens! Being in a new environment can stir up unexpected emotions. But how you handle those conflicts can either make or break the relationship. Vacations force you to communicate, and sometimes, working through disagreements in a neutral space can be incredibly healing.

Jimmy: So, let me get this straight: it’s not about escaping problems, but facing them head-on with the right attitude?

Sarah: Exactly. Think of a honeymoon as a catalyst. It’s not a magical fix, but it helps couples see each other in a different light, away from daily pressures. The real magic happens when both partners commit to nurturing the relationship after the trip.

Jimmy: Alright, last question—what do you say to people who just aren’t the “romantic trip” type?

Sarah: Not every couple needs a tropical island to reconnect. The key is intentionality. Whether it’s a staycation, camping, or simply taking a weekend off together, the point is to prioritize the relationship. The setting is just a bonus.

Jimmy: Fascinating stuff, Sarah. You’ve definitely given us a lot to think about. Thanks for coming on and sharing your insights!

Sarah: Thanks, Jimmy! It’s been a pleasure.

Profile of the person who was interviewed:

  • Name: Sarah Hastings
  • Age: 38
  • Background: A relationship coach and counselor with over a decade of experience, Sarah specializes in helping couples rediscover their bond. She believes in the power of intentional time together and supports couples in using honeymoons or “reconnect trips” as a tool for rebuilding and strengthening relationships.

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